Add eye-catching illustrations to your blog, your product packaging, the children's books you write, or anything else you can think of.
Logos, Graphics,
Character Designs
Colorful characters for a pamphlet guide
Sisters in a story about family dynamics
My cheeks were hurting developing his super cute mascot at the request of an independent clothing label.
Great on a tee!
If you're a writer, I can give your story form. People, animals, aliens, environments... Let's create some visuals that do your awesome story justice!
Afraid of Social Media?
Connections over space & time
Reading in a Cafe
I can't switch off my emotions
Frustrated with restrictions?
Water balloon fight, anyone?
...created for a children's book series "Candy & Marshmallow"
Fresh web graphics are an important part of making your site stand out. Boosted Gordon Street Dental's website, business front, and online presence using this simple but punchy graphic. (It's a great office if you're looking for dental care in Guelph!)
Dental Cartoon - Filling